This is Moxxie

Women with Moxxie - Edna Lewis
Edna Lewis was born on April 13, 1916 in Freetown, Virginia, the granddaughter of an emancipated slave, and is a heroine of American culinary history who worked to ensure that ensure that traditional Southern dishes and preparations would live forever.

Women with Moxxie – Lorraine Hansberry
Playwright, screenwriter, essayist, and political activist, immortalized at age thirty-four when she died of pancreatic cancer, Lorraine's writings demonstrate a maturity of heart and mind far beyond her years.

Unapologetic Self Care is. . .
Stealing moments to refill, relax and to just-be seems undeserving or something we will get to later. I know… I fight this battle with myself too. But self-care is not selfish and over-indulgent.

A Mother's Day Reflection
This year will mark the 100th anniversary of Mother’s Day. It’s considered to be one of the biggest commercial holidays in the U.S. but it is so much more than that. At it’s core Mother’s Day celebrates the power of motherhood and the sanctity of unconditional love.

Bird Jazz
There’s a tree outside my bedroom window that is coming into bloom. Now that it’s spring.
And it makes for a comfy hang out space for the local feathered wildlife.
One bird, in particular, has taken up a perch and created a stage for stridently tweeting his melodies and serenading us throughout the night. The concert series starts around midnight and continues into the early morning hours.

Earth Day Appreciation
Plant-based, wholesome, minimally processed oils and botanicals create the textures and aromas, the efficacy and safe delivery, the inspired environment for self-care and whole body skin-care.